🤔 how I can learn programming faster??guys

  • 4
    Do more with it 🙄
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    *gets the car battery, jumping cables and a whip*

    Welcome to boot camp, I hope you like pain.
  • 9
    Motivation, or fear.
    Your choice.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM You forgot the Pliers, the Towel, and a couple of toothbrushs.
    Also - Rum, Cola and a Lemon.
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    I’m running on a treadmill while reading a programming book
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    @Linux @GeorgeBool 🤣🤣🤣
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    Put more hours per day to it. There are all sorts of tricks to increase learning productivity, but the end all and be all is how many hours you do it.

    You can do 10,000h in 2.5 years, or 15 years. I'd pick somewhere in the middle.
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    A few ways.
    Don’t get distracted.
    Learn fundamentals.
    Concentrate on one topic at a time
    Read books
    Try to solve problems
    Attend meet-ups

    If you enjoy doing all that then it’s for you, if you don’t then you shouldn’t be a professional developer because all that is basically going to be needed through your career. It’s a treadmill and you need to keep going
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    Make a project to work on.
    Finish it.
    Or make a plan.
    Work on it.
    Start with the basics, don't try to run before knowing how to walk.
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