
The founder of a company I worked with is convinced that if you're a founder who argues with engineers, you're a bad founder.

He believes that any engineer knows engineering stuff better than any manager. It feels like common sense. Though it's a very rare point of view among managers. He agrees and says that managers only argue with developers because of lack of confidence, megalomania or some other ego issues.

So, all our arguments with him go like this:

— %Foundername%, we should change X, here's why
— Okay, discard existing mockups and go ahead

Or like this:
— %Foundername%, we should change X, here's why
— Kiki, I tried it, here's the evidence that our current stuff works better
— Okay

It's always this two ways and never something like "I'm YoUr SupErIoR sO I'm rIgHt", the stuff I heard in companies I worked for before.

  • 9
    I have the exact, and I mean exact same experience at my current work place. Looking to change company in less than a year and I'm afraid I won't get that same wonderful management ever again...
  • 1
    Wow, that is absolutely incredible.

    Similar but my boss is one of those rare combinations of former dev and tons of business acumen. So he's great at keeping the higher ups happy but also knows when to push back. Makes me not want to quit
  • 0
    i had a similar experience at one of the best jobs i ever had. boss was a unique combination of a great programmer, who transitioned to boss/manager out of necessity.

    the conversations about how to do something were beautifully symmetrical, both of us trying to figure out how to do the stuff right, both of us contributing some great ideas/knowledge when the other one was stuck in getting to the solution.

    ultimately i was the one coding it, since he had to keep dealing with the business side of things, but... it was great.

    shame that i was too young and stupid back then to truly appreciate it.

    shame that the only thing i lost since then, it seems, is the youth.
  • 0
    You guys are finding elves at work?
    Ive been getting the "I'm the boss, so I know better" for years...
    On my corrent job, people are replaceable numbers, machines are good for scrap...
  • 1
    @GyroGearloose I _am_ the elf.
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