
Good Morning! (it's morning here in my area) My coworker gave a good word today "Don't work for an arsehole until forgot to work for yourself" and "Working for a company who under appreciate you is like having sex with a zombie , the more you remain inside, the more part of your penis disappear"

hahahahaaha and today is his last day..

  • 1
    Hmm let’s just say I hope your co-worker isn’t changing careers to be a coroner or an undertaker.
  • 1
    @jeeper he said zombie, not the dead.
  • 1
    @Floydimus the undead. Hahahha
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme hahahaha
  • 2
    I'm not convinced your dick will disappear if you have sex with a zombie, surely it's the bits of the zombie that will fall off.

    Maybe "working for a company where you are unappreciated is like dating a zombie, sooner or later your brains will be eaten"
  • 0
    @nibor I see... 😅😅😅
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