Can anyone share with me thing to study as a programmer?

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    Multiple choice :
    Ο A book
    O School
    O Github

    If you picked github, check this out : https://github.com/EbookFoundation/...
  • 2
    Google: How to be a programmer?

    Google: What to study as a programmer?

    Google: Computer Science curriculum for self study.

    Google: Kahn Academy
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    I know the answers that others gave you sound sarcastic and seem like they don't help you at all. But it's mostly the truth. The best programmers I know started learning by just doing and using google.

    Pick a langauge (really any language, 80% of the knowledge is transferable to any other lang later on)

    If you want to get really close to the Hardware start with something like C/C++ or you could try Rust I think?

    If you want to get into more like website development, especially design, check out javascript and node, react, angular or vue

    If you want to build websites but are more interested in the *behind the scenes* and clever algorithms, you could go for C# or Java still

    Mobile apps? JavaScript, Flutter, Java

    Games? chose an Engine, Unity (C#), Godot(GDscript, C#, C), Unreal (C++) or just raw C/C++ with SDL2 or RayLib

    Game engines? Any language, but for performance I'd go with C++

    once you pick a langauge just google "{myLanguage} tutorial" or something similar
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    You really don't need anything specific. You can get books and go into courses if you want to improve your knowledge. But I'd strongly encourage you to first pick a langauge and start with a very simple tutorial and then move on to make a simple project with it. Something like a little game.. "Guess the number" or similar.

    That alone will give you the groundwork to build on that will apply to pretty much all projects and all languages, not to mention it will give you something small to show your friends and family if you so desire.

    Really no book or course can teach you how to love programming, that part starts when you create your first program and that's what will (hopefully) fuel your desire to learn more :)
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    i think low level concepts are always nice to know. it's a pain in the ass, but it's helpful to know about pointers, allocation, threads, how operational systems work, stuff like that.

    C is a good start, if you're not familiar with it
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    How to make new friend from coding. #wk290
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    @Hazarth cool that in almost all major use cases, Python is never a first-class, top of mind candidate. Analytics, ML, data mining? It all goes down to the libraries available to a programming language, not the language itself. Then there's Julia. So one thing to learn about coding is don't deify Python.
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    @jasongodev Its not dead yet!
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    Whatever you are interested in.

    If you aren't interested in anything coding-related, then stop coding and switch to something non-code-related you are interested in.

    If you are still reading, here are some random keywords (all guaranteed to be interesting in some way): algebraic data types, monoids, category theory, langsec, quaternions, design patterns, declarative programming.
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    Get out of here first
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    @jasongodev ha, funny, I actually wanted to mention python for ML(pyTorch), since It's literally what I use almost daily. I also used Python for games (pygame) and web (Flask, FastAPI)

    But you know what? I find Python very easy to use and it has some great abstractions and quality of life features, Which is specifically why I don't think It's ideal to learn programming as a first language!

    Though I regret forgetting about ML, it definitely dominates that industry for now
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