
! Rant
Anyone self taught in python that could recommend resources for a complete beginner

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    Their official website or do googling
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    Learn python the hard way.
    And yeah there official docs are by far tye most useful I have ever used
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    If you don't know to code at all, self learning won't be the best.

    If you can code in any other language, you'll pick up python quickly. Just try to do a small project in python by googleing basic syntax. That's how I learned python
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    I'm going to sound archaic and suggest a book. I started learning with "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" some years ago. I have no idea if it's been updated since it was released before Python 3.x, but it's still a fantastic book that explains a lot of tricky stuff like slicing really well.
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    @OfficerHalf thanks mate, that's what I was after... Something that has been successfully used and that you recommend.
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    I learned a lot from youtube. F.e. “sentdex“ makes good tutorials!
    But you have to know the basics.
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    @Skayo will bookmark that, just trying to get my head around the really simple stuff first
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    Follow mat makai at full stack Python , helped me a lot when I got started , and the official Python org site
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    Grab an O'Reilly. "Learning python the hard way" is also quite popular
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    Learning Python, Programming Python, Learn Python the Hard Way, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Those are all books. The python docs are extensive and probably the only reference material you should need. Plus, make the interpreter your best friend. dir() and help() are great built-ins for learning how different modules are working
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    For me this guy sentdex on YouTube really helped. But if you take that route, get an IDE and not IDLE for everything like he does.
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    There is a cool website with some fun exercises to get you into it. You should be able to google your way into making your own solutions and all solutions are published and can be viewed after you complete an exercise.
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