
People on dating apps say they are very pissed off and frustrated when they’re ghosted.
As a developer you get eager calls from recruiters talking for hours. They say I’ll catch up with you first thing in the morning. An HR manager says I’ll get back to you in 14 hours (in 14 hours?? very precise). Even you get a contract offer from a manager who is rapidly contacts and convinces you.
Than you hear nothing, you are left on read.
“Professionals” communicate in that way. They are also getting paid whilst taking your time. What can you say to random people behind nicknames?
I don’t know what I would feel if they get back and I’m zombied. I really feel like unmatching meh.

  • 16
    In the past I have felt incredibly bad about an incident where I accepted a job offer than backed out.

    Now I would do that as standard practice. I think devs should just do whatever is best for them as businesses don't give a shit - they pay well and offer benefits because it's hard to attract people not because they care. They pressure you to accept immediately so that they don't lose you, and tell lies to get you to do it.

    Next time I get a job I like the look of I'll accept and then just spend 3 or 4 days getting the contract back to them so I can leverage the offer elsewhere and fall back to them if it doesn't work. I don't think I'll feel guilty about it either.
  • 2
    And it is for this reason that you should be talking to a bunch of different recruiters at once, just like people on Tinder, until you get that job offer/offer of exclusive commitment. The quarry may change but never the hunt
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    @homomorphicanus they’re sliding in my DMs when I’m not actively looking though 😐
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    @Ceren Ah, just like dick pics
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    @homomorphicanus oh my God 😳 no Not that far!
  • 4
    I just forward all my recruiter requests to horny people on Tinder, that way they can do something productive!
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    @Crost wish we could favourite a comment on dR.
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    Very interesting information @Hison. I don’t know for who you dropped this for. But in a very blunt way, I find this very inappropriate and unnecessary under my comment.
    This rant is completely different what you perceived it as. It’s a sarcastic metaphor.
    I cannot make anyone do something, but I would very much prefer if you remove this comment. If anyone needs to get such an information or advice, I don’t think it would be from a developer rant platform.
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