
Website idea:

If you can leave one sentence to the world, what would it be.

I want to build a website where people post those sentences.

  • 5
    "Please send my dead body to someone I don't like"
  • 1
    Let me know how you feel about my Death
  • 0
    Fuck you the highest of fucks ever given or ever will be you fucking fucks!
  • 1
    Great idea nonetheless.
  • 5
    A website where everyone can contribute a word to one continous everlasting sentence but new words get put in a pool out of which the word with most votes get added id call it wordchain obviously accomapanied by a shitcoin
  • 2
    @bighead the fuckchain
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    Destroy all humans
  • 6
    "I buried a stash of 40 1oz gold coins somewhere within a a 1m circle at xyz location."

    Because remember, its not about the treasure you'll never find. It's about the treasures you found along the way.

    Also because I'm a dick.
  • 2
    Well… tried to make a Zalgo joke, but apparently it breaks the comment…

    So let’s go serious: “be not afraid to speak. Be afraid to let things happen without having a voice in them.”
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    @ReverendLovejoy "so they can fuck me again."
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    I am honestly conflicted between having user to register before posting vs just post and use an IP address check.

    I want to make it so one user can post one sentence per year so their words have more weight, but the whole register before posting thing may seem like excessive when you just want to post a sentence, and the registration can make someone quit doing so
  • 1
    @K-ASS register with their wallet key ana call it a Blockchain AI k8s scrum ... social network
  • 1
    @rantsauce let’s leave blockchain out of this
  • 0
    Boy, we are a bitter bunch
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