Why did my Windows 11 computer decide to go into recovery mode and let me do nothing but completely reset my computer 😡 this is why you back things up. Just gonna sit here for hours now while reinstalling visual studio etc 😭

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    @electrineer I hope you can understand that some of us can’t afford 2nd computers and that I only have today to get the computer working again to a reasonable standard. If you ever want to donate to me, I’ll happily accept so I can have a spare computer and be able to take a day off to fix my current one.
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    @electrineer also no I didn’t lose any data because I back up things
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    @electrineer what the fuck man
  • 1
    Everyone has a bad day sometimes, no reason for us to be angry.
  • 2
    Yeah, it was more of a question in the form of an insult (that's the best kind). I didn't remove it, it just got censored. The comments have a score of -1 and I think no one upvoted them, so maybe it received reports or other downvotes that affected their censoring.

    Luckily things are not so serious here.
  • 1
    @electrineer well I better ++ your new one then 😊
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