
you're not going to believe me, but it seems like I have the recipe to achieve the feeling of absolute freedom.

People have the distinct mechanism of "believing" in somebody or something. You should only _believe_ in things you _made_.

As nothing is truly created from scratch, only believe in the part _you_ created.

I know, this recipe is not some "lifehack" or a shortcut, because achieving this mindset is astonishingly difficult, but it's at least possible.

  • 1
    This is total bullshit
  • 0
    Can confirm, this is how about 99% of the humans ive seen operate

    source: am alien programmer
  • 0
    Looking back yet again. It’s not bullshit. I agree with it again. Am I dunning-krueger again? Now, I have an explanation and rationale. But is this explanation just dunning-Krueger?
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