I litterly hate my Windows Laptop. It BSoDed like a Million Times already.... What Linux Operrating System do u prefer? XD

  • 3
    Manjaro is pretty cool.
  • 5
    1. Hannah Montana Linux
    2. LFS
    3. Arch
  • 1
    You sure it's not hardware?
  • 1
    Debian for most of my server stuff and I started using Ubuntu-Mate couple days ago as desktop
  • 1
    Xubuntu for my laptop, although I've been considering Manjaro for a while.
  • 2
    Arch and Gnome3 :D
  • 0
    Slackware is good. Ubuntu is easy.
  • 0
    Try Korora
  • 1
    If you want the latest but don't want to spend time installing I'd say Antegros. I still love Fedora though, but Antegros has more packages in the repo especially with AUR.
  • 1
    Solus rocks.

    I haven't tried it, but Neverware CloudReady looks interesting.
  • 0
    @unjx I've tried and love it soooo much... Problem is, has no brother scanner drivers, so I couldn't use it at work...:(
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