TIL don't rely too much on in memory databases if your client runs development and production environment on the same machine.

Just don't

  • 5
    Oh. OH. Ohhhhhhhhh
  • 3
    ha! Tell this to one of the architects I had worked before, who thought it's a great idea to make cache a mandatory part of the system, i.e. if anyone dropped all the keys in redis, the prod would be irrecoverable (y).

    No, redis wasn't being used as DB. It was used as a cache.

    And indeed, a few times devs were using PROD redis in DEV app.

    Fun times!

    Surprisingly, the system is still LIVE.
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  • 6
    If your dev and prod "environments" use the same host you don't have two environments.
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  • 2
    @netikras that's the kind of thing I'm dealing with haha
  • 2
    If it's not on disk it's temporary. If it's on just one disk it's unstable.
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