
someone took my car parking place, I thought it’s just a week but it didn’t changed, do you think shitting on his car and leaving a note that’s beginning would help ?
Maybe I should just shit over his car and wait for reaction without a message, I can’t imagine how someone would like to steal from me, I started to thinking about different ways of revenge so they can remember that they put their car at wrong place

  • 5
    Is it actually your formally allocated parking place or just a subjective customary right? If the former, I'd look into how to get the vehicle towed while putting the cost on the owner. Like in, the owner won't get the car back without paying up-front.
  • 5
    Is it your assigned parking spot? Have you left a note communicating the error?
  • 4
    @AmyShackles @Fast-Nop yeah I pay for it monthly
  • 5
    @vane Then tow truck it is.
    Also - the one who rents you the space should install signs.
  • 2
    Careful with the revenge path. The same person will know where to find YOUR car.

    Leave the job to the administration, just communicate them.
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