
Why the fuck would people use non English html classes and IDs, or just randomly mix languages. Please don't fucking do this

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    When bragging about how many languages you speak goes to far.
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    @BlitZz Why did bragging go there?
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    @nickpapoutsis like he's explaining: plot twist, they mix real languages up in the code just to brag that they even know more. Just a stupid joke lal
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    @BlitZz You didn't get my (grammar nazi) joke :)
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    @nickpapoutsis aw man! I didn't quite understand what you meant at first. I explained in detail in case you thought I were being negative towards him 😓 good joke though
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    welcome to Japan
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    Add to it when mixing RTL languages like Arabic, that's when you start questioning the purpose of mankind 😒
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    If I'm not an english "gentlemen" and want to explain my code to other "NEG"(gers) , why the f**k would I create class names in english?
    ​Not very bright sir!
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    Classic Germany tbh, it's a horror show.

    But I guess that proper global-proof naming is also something that comes with market maturity.
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    I'm Hungarian and I'm used to see Hungarian-named classes, variables, both in front- and backend, even in database table names, and mixed randomly with English. We also don't use our special letters in programming, only ascii ones by tradition, so it's just simply annoying.
  • 3
    I have enough trouble getting confused between English English and American English. E.g. centre and center.
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    I do this as my extra manual layer of obfuscation, not in HTML, in general😎
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    i usually do them in latin
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