And people still wonder why I'm fucking worried for my future...

  • 7
    Back then in my youth, all feared the nuclear missiles. Now all fear the russian bear riders.

    After the Russia crisis we will revert back to fearing the death flu. Or maybe the climate catastrophe. Or the Chineese. Or...

    Fear not. We will all die - eventually.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo that is our destiny.
  • 0

    I see you are interested in the freshest ongoing conflicts. Here have some more countries or groups to condemn:

  • 0

    Pretty selective. Especially in that timeframe and region you could have a lot more interesting conflicts to look at.

    I mean, there was the Mongols, the French, and even the Germans all visiting Russia with the intention to stay - all of that basically where largescale wars (including both world wars). and then there are countless minor conflicts between all european and asian states in the region too.

    You are really limiting yourself when just looking at what the Rus did. Don't miss out on all the other gory war content. Why just hate the Russians, when you could hate all Nations?!
  • 0

    Nah, they are pretty occupied legitimating the Nato expansion in Ukraine. They barely manage to maybe conquer the most easy to conquer region in Europe (it is all flat land and not that highly populated after all). Looks, like they lost their teeth since the fall of the Soviet Union.

    They definitely aren't capable of supplying enough hate for the whole world. The world needs your hate too.
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