
What are people's thoughts on identifiable posts? I try to keep everything I say on here discrete so that I can't be identified, but this is the only place I have an anonymous presence. It's a useful outlet for frustration, but I also think it's a shame I feel I have to avoid the possibility of being identified. Elsewhere I use my email handle, so it's... Not exactly subtle.

  • 1
    My thoughts are you gotta do what you gotta do.

    To be fair Im trying to keep identifiable and anonymous presence separated as much as I can just because the internet isn't a safe cuddly place in general. I don't care that much about anyone from work knowing who I am really, I'm just taking provacy and anonymization seriously in general.
  • 4
    I know what you did last summer. ☠️🔪
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    @zlice Ah, British colloquialism, "it's a shame" more meaning "it's a sad commentary on the nature of the world", rather than "I'm ashamed". IDGAF, more self preservation, exactly as you say.
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    Even if there is something that send identifiable or will not hold up against a good denial on your part. There are lost of stories I can identify with on a precision of are you my colleague?
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