
Are you a psycho who uses light theme for everything?
I think we can be friends.

  • 1
    i find ppl who use light IDEs with white background kinda sus^^
  • 1
    Not a psycho, but in need of new friends. Wassup?
  • 2
    Light theme master race!
  • 2
    I use one that flickers between light and dark every second. I have choice anxiety.
  • 1
    I love the classic look…and that includes my ide
  • 2
    @soull00t there's been a study on dark mode and apparently light mode helps a lot with legibility, so people read a lot faster and it's less straining. for work i use light mode cause i try to spare my eyes (and my posture). i even got a mr magoo sized font cause my eyesight is sh*t already
  • 1
    @NoMad hellofriend
  • 1
    @soull00t you're sus, I'll vote you out
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