
GTC Keynote be like "here's our AI car tests where we simulate the car driving into other cars but stop the simulation just before the crash. It's super safe, we promise! Coming to a crash near you in 4 years."

Interesting thing to highlight.

  • 2
    who do we sue if someone is injured
  • 1
    @darksideofyay cars don't kill people, people kill people.

    Also, ______ don't kill people, people kill people.
  • 3
    @sariel they're making technology that they don't have the means to be responsible for, but they still will be the only ones to be held accountable if an accident happens. you can't just say "bugs happen 🤷" if someone dies because of your work, can you?
  • 4
    @darksideofyay: The manufacturer!

    The software isn't making the decisions. All decisions of the software are proxy-made by the developer who wrote or trained the software.
  • 6
    @darksideofyay you can because anyone attempting to sue the OEM will be litigated to death(literally).

    You would need to prove to the court not only that the company was responsible, but that a bug in their code(that's closed source I might illuminate) caused harm.

    Have you ever tried to debug a complex closed system? The complexity only grows because most of these "smart" cars leverage off-site computations, which is also closed off to consumers unless you get a court order to retrieve the information.

    Imagine going into a library, where you must prove the existence of a book in order to read the book. Then, and only then, can you attempt to extract information within the book to prove that it is, indeed, a book that exists with words in it. After you have proven its existence you have the mountain of work before you to prove that the contents within that book are harmful to you.

    It's fucking impossible to win that case unless you're either incredibly wealthy or immortal.
  • 1
    @sariel that last sentence, just for completion: ... or class action

    in such a (expected to be) widespread technology edgecases probably won't occur only once, so there are prolly multiple parties sueing.
    Also I'd expect the legal stuff to hold the manufacturer in rigid responsibility for exception handling, logging, testing and such - hopefully!
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