
ctrl+s, ctr+s, ctrl+s, build&run.

  • 5
    *Saves multiple times*

    JUST TO BE SURE!!! ;)
  • 2
    *changes x-position for 2 units* ctrl-s, *moves camera* ctrl-s.
    My life explained
  • 1
    invest in an auto save IDE...
  • 4
    @magicMirror you missed the point :)
  • 1
    It's `:w` for me. Even in IntelliJ. `SPC f s` faster in Spacemacs so I can do it more often. And y'all Ctrl users will get emacs pinkie.
  • 2
    But what if, theoretically speaking, your build task executes
    sudo rm -rf /
    ? Ctrl + s won't help :D Better create a multilocation, off the grid backup before building, just for the sake of it. :D
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