
Its all fun and games until your malfunctioning software costs people their lives - if you're just starting out as a dev or in the "ain't nobody got time for writing tests" camp, I highly recommend you to lookup and read about the Therac-25 incidents during the 80s.

Even if you're not working on a life-critical/mission-critical application, the realization of the impact that us devs can have on the society can push you to become a better developer producing quality software...

  • 22
    God! What kind of work do you do? Most development jobs are for bullshit apps the world is better off without 90% of them.
  • 3
    I wish what you're describing is the case but sadly, it's not.
  • 0
    @TheCommoner282 the encryption itself is good, but the implementation on serverside are bad.
  • 2
    I've worked in monitoring tech and oh boi the panopticon of it all. people were getting fired because of the data our software produced.

    rn i work with internal data, so it affects careers of people in my company. it's a nightmare. if the data is wrong they come hunting us down hard. the problem is we have to deliver fast and the team is tiny, so it's not like we can afford any quality assurance. we eyeball the data once or twice and that's it. i think 90% of the time the fault is with the employers and not the devs
  • 1
    Yep, don't want your self-driving car depend on the npm eco system for sure!
  • 0
    Comparing apples to potatoes. IF you are a webdev, then you are being way too self-important.
  • 0
    @catgirldev I got an offer from a company that writes software for radiology/cancer therapy machines. They would have paid significantly more than my current company but I refused for this reason as well. I fuck up something and someone dies on the table, that's not something I want to live with.
  • 0
    Why strive to be better when my boss doesn't strive to pay me more?
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