Years ago we hired a new employee in our department, her first week was kind of slow, she had training materials to get through but otherwise didn't have much newby work for her. I noticed she was missing one day, she wasn't at her desk or in the area training, I found her hiding behind a door playing a video game and texting on her phone. She didn't last long there. She should have asked for something to do, or asked what she could be doing, instead of sneaking off and playing on her phone.

  • 12
    Seems like your teamlead/manager or whoever was responsible for onboarding dropped the ball as well. I hate places where they don't have any decent onboarding plan for a newcomer. It's soulcrushing seeing "teamlead" rockstars caring only about their own tasks and not even helping newcomers to onboard. I can ask around when I need help, but first give me something to fucking do.
  • 11
    It would've been ok, had she done it in plain sight. Hiding behind a door was the mistake.
  • 2
    Avoiding getting more work assigned when done, is a classic and the reason why this ridiculously fine-grained hierarchies came to exist in the first place. Some employees need to have actively work assigned to them as they will never ever report completion.

    Clear sign for being there for the money only. If that is a recurring theme with new recruits, it might hint at serious problems in the HR department or the work environment.
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