today i witnessed the most sexist and homophobic talk at work. i just couldn't believe I'd still hear some stuff in 2022, it felt surreal

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    bro you cant tease it without telling us what happend.. this isnt whatsapp
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    Hunting of anything that doesn't represent own world image. Pretty usual.

    ... Hunting meant literally.

    Doesn't matter which country, some of the time it's just "Hunt them. Kill them. Eradicate their families"

    The usual stuff.

    (Note that there are two sides of the coin... Some so called """pro activists""" are as mad as the people they condemn).
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    @IntrusionCM im confused what u tryna say.. hmmmm >_<
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    @IntrusionCM what do the triple double quotes mean?
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    @Lensflare its not tripple quotes.. its these '' ' '

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    The triple double quotes mean that I have an inner conflict using the word pro when the so called pro just means doing the exactly same thing these people so actively condemn...

    Screaming tolerance while being intolerant is just plain stupid.
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    @IntrusionCM I get that but that's what the standard issue "sarcasm" single double quotes are for. 🙂
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    @Lensflare sometimes they are just not enough....
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    @IntrusionCM yeah it‘s funny how trying to stop intolerance requires the people to be intolerant themselves.
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    To speak the Truth, things like Religion Hatred, Racism, Sexism, Sexual Orientation Discrimination never die

    They form the majority of what keeps Humans alive. That's right - we strive to keep others down
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    In the early 1990s on a sunny late Spring day I was at the Seattle Waterfront in line to buy fish and chips. A guy behind me in line was telling his friend about 'the gays'. How they wanted to get married, well that was fine but they needed to change their lifestyle if they wanted to be accepted, blah blah blah. I got my order, turned around, looked him in the eye and said, "We don't change our lifestyles because we don't want to." He was stunned. The friend he was with laughed at how caught out this idiot was with his public rant.
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    @Frederick he should've told his kid to talk to the teachers before anything this stupid. violence is not a solution. he got a call from the school
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