The amount of stress you have in your life is directly proportional to the percentage of the screen the icons on your desktop cover up.

Prove me wrong.

  • 10
    I have less than 10 icons on my desktop and live in perpetual fear lol
  • 7
    That's bullshit. I like seeing all that games on my desktop.
  • 4
    O icons on my Linux desktop :) Super/Win key handles everything
  • 3
    my desktop is uncluttered, but i can relate if we talk about the number of files in my ~/tmp folder ;)
  • 2
    @cuidas documents and home are 💯 % a different story 😂😂😅
  • 3
    I have 0 icons on my desktop and can testify this is bullshit
  • 4
    I barely see my desktop. Either a browser
    Or terminal window is seen or it goes black after screensaver times out
  • 2
  • 1
    unique comparison, though personally I'd say it's significantly less
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