the amount of micromanagement enforced in our scrum routine is getting ridiculous... but the PM seems to be happy with this

  • 7
    Is your Jira using Comic Sans?!
  • 6
    @Oktokolo that's because it's a terrible joke.
  • 9
    @Oktokolo no. this font (in fact not ComicSans^^) is my way of dealing with this whole situation
  • 7
    @soull00t are you sure that it isn't making the situation slightly worse than it was before?
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  • 4
    If this is how you really manage your agile development, I don't want to be there at all
  • 5
    @soull00t the problem begins with you being the reporter and assignee.
    The PM or SCRUM master need to do the reporting.

    Also ask for tickets with the following required fields:
    1. Clear requirements
    2. User story
    3. Steps to Reproduce (in case of bug)
    4. Current results (in case of bug)
    5. Expected results
    6. PRD (in case of medium-big feature requests)
    7. Attached screenshots
    8. Additional resources
  • 3
    Someone is confusing jira with a todo list.
    There is no problem with this approach - just move the todo list to a simpler Jira project. And let the micromicromicro shit happen there.
  • 2
    Someone else other than team members call the shots and decide who does what... call whatever you like, use any tool you want, the fuck up is in the roots.
  • 2
    That font can't be great to look at long term, surely.

    But that project looks like one of mine, everything is done by me too 🥲
  • 2
    @soull00t That font obviously violates the UN Convention against Torture and nothing good can come from that.
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    Why are there tasks to create tasks and tasks to investigate tasks?

    Why does this feel like a daily checklist?
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    okay, maybe I should clarify two things xD

    first, this is a "comic" I made, inspired by real life, thus the goofy font. this is not what our Jira actually looks like XD

    second, the two first of those tickets are very realistic, the others are jokes. in this scrum project, we are required to track each task outside the project (= impediment) as Jira ticket, so the PM knows what we are actually doing when we are not working for the project.

    tbh, the real fuck up here is the management in our organization that requires us to "drop everything" and work on other tasks that might pop up and that have higher prio than this project, which makes a good scrum planning nearly impossible. these annoying Jira tasks are a way of our PM to deal with this situation, but still it is a stupid management overkill that makes everything even more annoying for us.
  • 1
    @soull00t don't listen to fucking PMs. They will know when they will have to know.

    Daily standup calls are meant for that. How is it going? What's next? How long might it take? What are you blocked on? Do you need my/others' help?

    Can't put a fucking comment and add a fucking update to each and every change request ticket. It is counter productive and sucks the living life out of this
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