  • 0
    If you do math like this and expect sensible results, you've got a lot to read.
  • 8
    Not to be that guy, but wouldn't it be "156"?
  • 7
    @SoldierOfCode You're correct. On top of that the last picture should show a single purple Teletubby with six heads or something like that.
  • 5
    You need the light of Typescript in your life.
  • 1
    @SoldierOfCode please explain 🙂
  • 5
    @Lensflare AFAIK, operators are evaluated from left to right, so 1+2 is 3, 3+3 is 6, 6+4 is 10, 10+5 is 15, 15+"6" is "156". Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • 1
    @SoldierOfCode ah! Now I feel dumb 😅
  • 7
    @lbfalvy nope. YOU need the light of _actual_ strongly typed programming languages in your life. embrace dotnet. only then, you can...

    *puts on sunglasses*

    see sharp
  • 0
    @tosensei Sure, but they don't fit into JavaScript's niche like Typescript does so it's counterproductive to bring them up when JavaScript's idiotic casting logic is being discussed.
  • 1
    @tosensei As of ten days ago I'm a Rust missionary btw, TS is now just my compromise, a domain language for web and UI.
  • 1
    @lbfalvy ever heard of a little thing called webassembly? ;)
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