I normally don't like people doing this, but now I get them:
I got the job!

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    Applied computer science, is there sucha thing as not applied computer science?
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    @Rusty-hacker in Germany there is a difference. You can apply to economics Computer science and applied Computer science. The only real difference at my university is that the economics Computer science Student have way lesser project Management
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    @rusty-hacker as the other guy said, it's either economic CS or applied CS if you want to dual study (study at a private university and your company pays+you get money). applied CS is 100% CS, economic CS is divided in sub-categories of 25, 50 oder even 75 % economics, the rest CS. The "applied" keyword just stresses on the fact that you focus on real-world appliances like human-machine interaction. 'non-applied' CS don't really exist though.
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    Congrats!! I just got a job too! Way to go!
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    @rusty-hacker There's also theoretical cs which is all about traveling sales people.
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