It’s the folly of our time that with each loop of the grand application certain key components that need to be solid to even appear to work fail consistently

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    AI level: Markov Chain.
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    @Oktokolo I’m watching in suspense what I know to be a futile effort for life to continue horror stricken at how the American way of life which yes always had a layer of barbarism has embraced openly some cynical dystopian era of willful self denying misery that threatens our future. Places I was years ago have collected all forms of unhealthy strange people and only four years earlier many hapless people like myself still cringing at the strangeness of it all were at least entertained by pretty monsters. It’s entropy. With each loop the people deviate further from basic human characteristics and devolve further into a type of emotional parasite that lacks the ability to simply live peacefully or dream of a better future. I’d do anything to be in Europe right now
    I liked Paris and England
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    @AvatarOfKaine Okay, maybe an early GPT.
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