
Sooo... Cant drink coffee or energy drinks with my new medication.. FML

  • 3
    Water power!
  • 5
    @Celes I will not give up my sweet tea! If my heart overloads, so be it.
  • 1
    @Celes In all seriousness, I don't mind water. Also, my mom is picking me up some instant decaff coffee.
  • 2
    @Cyanite well I should drink more tea, but seems that I don't really like it x)
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    That's what they tell me.. But i'm not sure if getting rid of anxiety is worth giving up my caffeine..
  • 1
    Nah, the meds are for my brain. They just affect my heart.
  • 4
    Start doing drugs
  • 1
    i bet you could mix it 😏😗
  • 1
    Hot cocoa for he win ;)
  • 0
    @tvacare that escalated quickly
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    How about whiskey?
  • 1
    Anti-depressants, along with chems to reduce my general stress, concentration, and to reduce my obsessive compulsions. It messes with my heart a bit as well so that is why I have been off caffeine.
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