Writing my first code review. Even though it really is a nice review and I'm happy with the solution code, I still somehow feel like an asshole for each critique I make. Maybe it's unavoidable with code reviews / pull requests?

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    it is unavoidable. i think, as professional developers we shouldn't take critique personal, errors happen all the time, to everyone - i'm not always in my best mental state when i code. always be open to improve your coding style and learn from others, code reviews are a good tool for that. sometimes, a code review comment feels a bit salty or makes me feel stupid, but it's okay. xD
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    Teach and learn.
    Reading new code can teach you how to do things, or can teach you how not to do things.
    Example: jr dev write a hard to test, global state accessing function. Teach that dumbass how to write a threadsafe, easy to test function. Jr uses monads, and async await in a new unfamimilar way - learn a new thing.
    It can be a very bad experience with a bad reviewer.
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    @magicMirror Actually I already did learn some stuff, I mentioned that as well in the review 👍
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