guys, I never knew you could undock the inspector in chrome. #lifechanging

  • 0
    Ha, yeah, great feature.
  • 4
    I got work to order me a new monitor when I found out you can do that, it is so handy to have a full screen for debugging.
  • 3
    Chrome has an emulator too!
  • 1
    Welcome to the world of tomorrow friend
  • 2
    I bought a third monitor just for this, after I found out about this feature in FF.
  • 1
    where have you been all your life!?
  • 2
    Dev teams should have meetings sharing tools and debugging tips. I just recently learned you could do log multiple values like console.log(a,b,c) in devtools... also spent years unaware of 'set next statement' in VS. though you had to restart the debug session every time you stepped ahead too far
  • 2
    @jiraticket you can do that.....?
  • 2
    You can log multiple values? Never knew that. The time saved on those keystrokes will surely add up to an extra coffee break each week!
  • 3
    yep, instead of having to concat a string message with spaces you can do
    console.log("since", sessionStartTime, "the user", username, "has clicked", clickCount,"times")
  • 0
    I just learned about console.time(). Great for locating bottlenecks.
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