
New boss rant here!

Boss: Can you give me an estimate for a new project that we willbe running?
Dev: Oh yes I have already calculated at approximately three months.
Boss: Thats great start on it!

3 months laters....

Boss: Why did it take so much? I feel like our productivity sucks.


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    always pad your estimates. always. then you will avoid this kind of problem.
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    Pad like a civil engineer and you will never fail.
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    @asfer teach me master
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    Pad by doubling
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    @jAsE @asfer I was a software architect for a large corporation. it is a combination of guessing based on experience, and understanding of how the organization works. for instance: any project that required multi site cooperation had 1.5 months added to the estimates to cover communications, and misunderstanding. any same site, multi team effort had two weeks added for the same reason. Mobile dev time, server dev time, frontend, PC, QA feature complexity, all taken into account in order to give a prediction. then the magic of managment happens...
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