I think my days as a dev are over
shit fuck!!!!
All i know is writing code, schematics, systems recommendations
Was given a tender doc for a project
the doc was in 2 parts "Technical" & "Financial"
I HAVE NEVER DONE A TENDER BEFORE and little did i know a shit load of documents are required
MY BOSS GOT FURIUS SINCE I DIDNT COMPILE ALL DOCS and 1 required doc was expired tried to get it renewed and renewal will take 3 week or 1 month and deadline was in 2 hours time

F U C K M E ! ! ! ! !

  • 21
    Not your job.
    You are a dev, not a lawyer/paralegal.
  • 17
    Since when do devs have to compile financial documents?
  • 17
    All the tenders I get are from McDonald's.
  • 10
    @PonySlaystation bRuH yOu CaN dO ThIs iN 10 mIN YoURe A dEv
  • 7
    Y̴̡̨̛̖̣̮͕͉̖̣̑̑̓͊̌͟͡͠ȍ̷͕̮͔̖̹̩̙͔̭̦ư̴̡̖̠̦̗̻̻̜̮̫̈́͊͊̌̚͝r̴̯̯͑̎͗́̿̂͗̑͗͆̐̕͡͝ ̴̛͈̼̳̦͙̼͑́̎̏͗͐̚̕͜͟͝͝d̷̻͚͔̪̭̳͖̻̘̦̖̗̮͙͕̙̂̿̒ą̷͉̲̖̼̞̙̩̪͑̀̎́̏̒̀͒̽̇́͐̏̐͝͡ŷ̵̪̠̊̃̈́͛́̂̏̽̋̽s̶̫̗̠̬̹͈̼̑̎͋͐̀̍̓̽̂́͝ ̶̹̲̰̬̺̃̿̂̋a̸̡̹̯̖̩̝̭̯̻̐͌͂͂̅͂̈̄̈̕̚͟͝r̷̢̛͈̱͕͖͕͆̕e̵̻͔̒̀̐̿̕͡͝ ̶̟͍͂̈͒̏̎̄͆͑̕̚͘̚͠͝ŏ̸̢̥̩̯̦̜̰̯̠̳̘͉́̃v̸̡̢͓̩̦͚̳͚̫̏͌̋͒͑̄̓͂̽̋͐̏͜ȩ̶̘̲͔͔͕̮̽́̆̽̊͋ŕ̶̛̮͙̯̫̭̞͈͎̤̰̲̖̿͒͂͜͜͝͠.̷́͟
  • 2
    Clearly, you'll be absolutely fine almost anywhere. Bang your CV up online and see what starts happening?
  • 5
    Devs in my company also have to occasionally be involved in tenders but only for "Technical" stuff, i.e what services we can offer and the amount of hours required.

    All the financial and legal stuff are compiled by our project manager.

    Unless you aspire to be project manager one day, I don't know why you agreed to do that.
  • 3
    We do get to do estimates but only for the tome we think it will take.

    And there are never any “required” documentation, usually just a message in team or an email.

    Anything that has legal required documentation you should expect the company to either handle OR give you the knowledge how to handle.

    I would not have fared any better than you in this case and I have been in the business for many years, the last 3 on a big company and the last year even as architect, and I still have never had to compile anything with legal requirements.

    I sometimes provide the supporting documents or base information, but the official is created by people with that as their specialty.
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation Since managers are incompetent lazy fuckwits who can’t do it themselves and need a scapegoat to push blame onto
  • 5
    This sounds like the manager knew the docs were expired and put the onus on you to take the fall. Or he is just a dick.
  • 4
    homie no, this is 100% not your fucking job nor something you should take the fall for....."fuck me!" no homie, fuck THEM
  • 2
    Man, this was not in the job description, right?

  • 0
  • 3
    Your boss is the one that fucked up.
    Fuck all managers that drop non-dev work on devs and then offer no support to them.
  • 1

    FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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