Reminder: if you were tasked with breaking down a work item/story, and your breakdown involved so much incorrect, outdated, and downright incomprehensible gibberish that, when you were approached by another dev, you had to rewrite the whole thing -- after rewriting it into a form that includes almost none of the original and still contains errors and omissions, you do not get to announce to everyone that you were 'helping' said dev to 'understand'. If you do this you are not some machevellian linguistic genius, you are just an asshole who is going to get found out for your bullshit sooner or later.

  • 1
    Sounds like my BA. Fucker couldnt define a task name/description correctly even if his life would depend on it. At least I try to name/describe my branches/merge requests in a proper way and I update the jira issue description otherwise nobody would understand whats going on.
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    @AnxiousADHDGuy what really got me though, and that was by no means the first time he did it, was how afterwards he spun his failure as if it was someone else's.
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    @PeterDCarter Office politics 101, guy knows how to play. Though when dealing with him make sure you cover your ass and have papertrail proof of his incompetence.
  • 1
    @AnxiousADHDGuy haha yeah but tbh I don't want to have to play that game. I just left and start a new better paying job tomorrow. Sadly I know this play very well, but it doesn't stop it pissing me off every time I see it and I'm hoping (utopian perhaps) this time I won't have to deal with it
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    Reprimand, fire.

    No one has time for that bullshit.
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    @IntrusionCM in theory yes, but in my experience the hallmark of this type of person is they won't make their move until they are sure everyone with the power to fire them is either on-side or lacking visibility on what they are up to. In this case what has happened is every intelligent dev saw what was happening, that upper management was oblivious to it or not willing to do anything, and almost every good dev I knew there has left for better jobs (5 out of ~14 devs in three months, of which I would say 3 were really good devs, and one is probably the best I have ever met, and recently being head-hunted to work for Stack Overflow). From what I heard before I left, the offender is about to be promoted to Team Lead: presiding over a team that's lost all but one of its talented members...
  • 1
    @PeterDCarter yes....

    I hate nepotism -/ favoritism for reasons.

    Either treat them all the same (within their own abilities) or let it be.

    Everything else just turns into horseshit.
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