
All these things work so well
Why is anyone doing poorly anywhere ?

Could you imagine if we had to do this all by hand ??

  • 1
    I think your downvotes are from the fact that some people forget that heavy machinery is a form of programming as well, althought the medium is mechanical and motorized instead of terminals and IDEs
  • 0
    But what do you mean by "doing poorly anywhere"?

    Do you mean why some are doing them by hand to a lesser degree of perfection or why some are still struggling financiarly despite living in a world that can do mass production seemingly by itself?
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    For first option: Some want to master the craft and do it themselves, imperfect, but beautiful, others simply live in economies were is cheaper that way sadly

    Second option: Were there is no profit to be had, there is no capitalist to build a factory
  • 1
    @Drunkzee i think the downvotes are from some kind of hater, everytime i see a post from AvatarOfKaine He has a downvote
  • 2
    @jonas-w Having haters is the best metric for success, so someone is surely on the right track 😂
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    @Drunkzee doing poorly as undeehoused underfed etc
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    @Drunkzee but yes I find machines like these fairly interesting. There is a lot of math and logic inherent which makes our cultivated annoyances seem kind of trivial even if the more working pieces the more fuckups in comp.

    Still noone has perfected my sex Android or building robot
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    @AvatarOfKaine Don't lose hope with the sex android, there is a market so there will be investors

    But i fear the moment we reach that milestone of successfully removing the human element from the Sex-as-a-Service model, not much will be left to innovate in tech..
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