What do you think are the best steps towards being a successful hacker ? (Not a cracker f.y.i)
I'm asking about the real steps to take if you want to get into the hacking scenes ?

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    hacking is scripting, so you should learn a scripting language.
    or talk to Larry wall... then you officially are a hacker 😀
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    Depends what you want to hack. Some weird arduino derivative go learn about the processor and assembler,
    Hack a website probably HTML css is
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    Watch MrRobot!!

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    Yep that has been a good source motivation.
    But I don't necessarily want to take over the world. I just want to tinker with stuff. Take em apart, put em back to together with a lil something extra :p
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    You're right, with IoT being a major player these days, arduinos form a good starting point to hack. :)
    Thanks 👍
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    Buy a hoodie.
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