
If you put “up to” in front of “proposed salary”, which ofc is a very high number, I put your job offer in the trash. Just put the range or fuck off.

I will never understand how the little brain of recruiters works.
They write shit like we weren’t smart enough to see it.

  • 4
    My favourite is when the recruiter lies to you about the range and it achieves absolutely nothing other than a bunch of people wasting their time having inconsequential discussions.
  • 3
    Recruiters are a parasitic industry for the most part. Some are ok, most I've worked with are just failed salespeople.
  • 6
    It's like when shampoo removes "up to" 100% of dandruff and grease and shit, it means precisely jack
  • 2
    They really seem to use spammer tactics to filter for especially stupid people that they then expect to do one of the most brainy jobs...
  • 2
    their job is literally about bulshitting both sides to get money.

    to the client: "yes we will get you the best person for the position who will mesh with your company culture flawlessly"

    to the potential employee: "yes you are the best fit for this job and you will love the company culture"

    difficult to not look down on everyone when literally all of your salary stems from your ability to do this.
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