1. Linux. Mint, to be precise.
2. prolly would be bash
3. rest of the GNU toolset
4. curl

  • 2
    5. OpenJDK
  • 1
    @ostream IMO bash is a perfect balance between simplicity and functionality. Simple, yet powerful (love those expansions!!). Also, it's available almost everywhere. Only old AIX, SunOS, tru64 and other unices don't have it by default. Emphasis on OLD.

    Also, my hand types bash automatically since my sysadmin days, w/o me even thinking much of it. ZSH I'd have to learn an I don't see much of a benefit doing so
  • 3
    @netikras have a look at zsh, we are in the 21st century and have fzf auto completion, substring history query and so on.
  • 3
    @netikras i'd recommend starting with https://ohmyz.sh and https://github.com/zsh-usersm, just simple install and you are ready to go and will never miss bash again
  • 1
    @jonas-w I'm 100% sure I will miss bash, because I mostly use it for scripting [laptop and containers, posix-friendly scripts] and I'm not a fan of fish and zsh autocompletes...
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