Recently I've been considering switching to another job. I've been at my current employer my entire working carreer, and a switch might be a healthy choice soon. My current working environment is changing (and not for the best in my opnion), and I have never really looked over the fence. I've also felt that my current job lacks some real meaning.

I currently work on software for logistical purposes, but I don’t feel that my work aligns with my values, or that it tries to solve issues that are important to me.

I have received many job offers with higher pay and benefits, but again, none that really work on issues that I find important.

My question to you is wether (and if so: how much) you let your values and ethics weigh in your choice of an employer/project. And are you willing to offer up (financial) benefits for a job that aligns better with your values?

  • 3
    If the job makes you wear handcuffs and its objective doesn't align with yours, get ready for some one-sided BDSM circus. In my case, all is opposite, and I wish every good devRant fellow the same.
  • 2
    yes and yes. otherwise might as well just be a investment banker or some other evil shit.
  • 1
    Just find a job you're happy with..? I am a capitalist and put the rate very high on the priority list, but I have never been in a situation where the only well paid gig went against my principles. Should be plenty to choose from and both have the cake and eat it too.
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