DevRanter: *shares some inconvinience at work*

Other Ranters: Dude, Quit your job. Sell your house. Get a divorce ASAP. Give your kids up. Fly to another country. Disappear from everybody's lives. Start a new life. Change your identity.


  • 9
    You should find another job. One that'd give you something to rant about
  • 4
    Good devs are rare so treating them like shit works in nobody's favour. To be fair, no one deserves to be treated like shit, but devs enjoy being in a market where they are always in demand, so there's no reason not to leave a toxic workplace.
  • 3
    Inconvenience != Toxic work environment
  • 1
    Oh so that's why jAsE comes and goes.
  • 1
    It do be like dat.
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