
Ladies and gentlemen, I am liking Swift and XCode.

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    Should we tell him now, or let him find out on his own?

    This be a tough one 🤔
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    @C0D4 He'll learn either way. Eventually... 😌
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    Do you also like pegging? 🤔
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    I am afraid now. Feels like my family died and no one is willing to tell me.
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    @iiii lmao that was savage 😂
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    That reminds me of that time when I said "I like react" after five minutes using it.

    Guess what I think of react now :D
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    Never mind, I already hate iOS development. I wanted to try making an NFC reader, but apparently I have to set up up all their shit and a Jobs altar just to test their damn thing in a device.
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    @ars1 you found the one major issue with iOS: It‘s a one time setup PITA.

    The rest of your journey will be the best dev experience that you can have.

    Btw, problems related to iOS development don‘t have anything to do with Swift or Xcode.
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    @dontbeevil omg that shit took me foreeeeeeeever
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    Swift is the most elegant programming language I've ever used. ❤️
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    @dontbeevil did you even try Swift? I mean not just for 5 minutes?

    C# was my favorite language until Swift made me realize what’s wrong with C#. I mean it’s still a good language but compared to Swift… nah!
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    @Lensflare same, I prefer Swift, not only for the syntax but because IMHO garbage collection in 2022 makes sense only in scripting languages
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