
  • 19
    Tell me your a virgin without telling me your a virgin.
  • 14
    Moron vs dev:

    [x] Mistagged shit [✓] Proper tags
  • 3
    @Frederick Yeah, I don't like C++ much, either.
  • 5
    @Frederick lol, tell me you hate people by telling me you hate people.
  • 3
    C++ doesnt get bitches on your dick, neeeerd.

    Go touch some grass or pussy brother
  • 4
    @Stuxnet Gaben begs to differ!
    He probably even ate some of the hookers lol
  • 6
    Yeah I'm not comfortable with the amount of incels in this industry. Just the way women are treated in places like Blizzard is fucking pathetic.

    If you can't figure out sex, then you're probably a shitty programmer anyway 😂
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation wait, what? I thought it was microsoft that had hookers in the office. I never heard of valve doing this.
  • 0
    @NickyBones Given the major business trouble that Intel is in, I'd expect them to cut back on progressivity anyway. Anything that doesn't strictly contribute to the business line. The climate there will likely become harsher, especially when the layoff infights start. Cornered between mistakes of the past and the greed of their shareholders now isn't a good place to be in.
  • 0
    @NickyBones That would also help to explain why Intel got stuck in what felt like a century of Skylake rehashes, including the 11th gen disaster that was worse than 10th gen. I guess they'll really have to get their heads out of their asses this time.
  • 3
    Girlfriend C++
    has tits ✔️ doesn't have it ✖️
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