
Three months after I switched to nouveau in anticipation of fixes backported from the open sourced driver to my 470 series card, some hours before a crucial meeting the hack I used to disable the official driver shat the bed. It took about 50 minutes to identify what broke and then 5 to fix it. How and why does Pacman overwrite my dkms blacklists?

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    I don't have time to figure this out but my guess would be that the driver's name or whatever I referenced in the blacklist changed. Why anyone would add something to the AUR with a bug like that is beyond me.
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    Pacman never overwrites stuff.

    If a file has changed and it want's to overwrite it with the new one it creates a .pacnew file
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    Oh but maybe have a look at the PKGBUILD file, i think AUR packages could be more reckless with overwriting files
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