fedora makes plymouth easy to customize and remember how. one command. not 3-4 :P

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    The only thing that could usefully customise Plymouth is a nuclear bomb. Sadly they moved the subs to Scotland so it’s not even a prime nuclear target anymore.
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    @AvatarOfKaine they'd be so much more appealing if they learned a thing or two from this song :P

    'you never ever believed in me

    i was your tourniquet'

    'take your hatred out on me

    make your victim my head'

    'i'm not proud of me

    i never ever believed in me'

    most all of us found the whole nin and mm thing sexy back in the day :P

    its what caused the actual highly visible fuck fest during this time period.

    whole generation trained to find the damaged and obscene sexy without knowing how deep the pieces of shit that made that way damaged them.

    ask them, did we love them ?


    we did

    i can't express anything except in english so pick up a dictionary if you need to understand that last phrase fuckers.

    we did love them

    and they shit on us

    and twisted everything around

    and now everyone suffers because of them including them and they're degraded and old and dying
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    and invented a mountain of lies for you all to believe.
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    loved some of them so deeply it put me in agony

    in some cases they repaid me by working me up to give them the punishment they needed to feel catharsis over their desire to cause us nothing but pain, an impulse they seemed to not be able to control at times, at other times a means of backing people off that were getting too close to them and possibly on the verge of discovering what they really were.

    if anything they fear closeness. someone seeing at least the reflection of the dogshit molded thing they call a soul.

    these things were real at the time,
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    sure were entertaining though helping us express a pain we didn't know the source of.

    which in short was them.
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    that's them

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