

I wanted to prank a colleague. And he ruined it by showing up to the site of prank way too early, despite him having had clear instructions as to "let me know" once he gets to the office.

Anyways, as I was going to lengths getting this damn skeleton yesterday, I was thinking how much more fun it would be if my highschool bestfriend was here instead of him, and what greater lengths I'd go just to prank her. Halloween specially would be prank every day for a week! 😆

Now, point to make, is that the mentioned bestfriend is well and alive, just wants to live her life her own way, and that doesn't include having a goofy friend such as me as close anymore (and I feel that's fair, however much I don't like it)

But that I am projecting my friendship with her on this new friend/colleague... creepy of me, I know, but like... also sad. Like I felt bad for myself for a second there. How many times in a lifetime do you get to feel bad for yourself?

*Cue Joji's Glimpse of Us*

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    Seems like friendships lived in high school are the best/funnest/most intense, at least that was the case for me. Very hard to have friendships like that later on in life and I can perfectly understand you wanting to reproduce past experience.
    Sometimes I try to be goofy with current friends or colleagues the way I used to be in high school and it usually ends up being awkward. My teammates have their own humor that I have a hard time connecting with
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    @black-kite not necessarily best, but there's a thing about people not connecting all that deep after highschool/college. One reason might be because as adults, we're less likely to be willing to open up to each other, and be more careful about how we present ourselves.

    Either way, I don't know. I suck at all forms of social interactions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Friends? You mean code?
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