
Freelance client calls freaking out because she needed the website changes done by yesterday morning because she had some huge meeting with potential investors....

I feel bad but I don't, she never told me anything about needing it done by Sunday morning.

This is exactly why I hate freelance work. Lack of communication and then they blame you

  • 6
    Communication within a larger organization isn't neccessary any better, truth be told.
  • 0
    @haabe touché
  • 3
    @haabe But you can always find someone to blame.
  • 0
    @fonfi True. That Someone Else is often guilty 😃
  • 0
    It's a shame they blamed you. their lack of communication does you no good. they lost out in the long run.

    next time require in the proposal to have your client tell you all deadlines?
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