
The key to survive your job, is to not really care.
But I am that kind of person who takes my job personally, and it becomes a part of my identify, and companies exploit it.

  • 3
    To be more precise, carefully pick what you care. If you don't care about anything at all, it won't be pleasant experience. Care about things you love, things you can easily change and sometimes whine about things you can't easily change. This worked best for me so far.
  • 2
    Yeah, me too.

    I can’t not take pride in what I do, really no matter what it is or who it’s for, or if they even care.

    It’s a problem and idk how to stop it.
  • 1
    Don’t be useful tools people!
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    I'm in this rant and I don't like it
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    that makes me survive it mentally, but also makes me get fired
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    Every company that I have left, have needed to hire 2 or more people to do the shit I did
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