
I hate frameworks and I hate people (and companies) who disable comments because they hope to hide from questions and also hide themselves from the hate

Now I have nothing left to do but post hate on DevRant. There you have it. I hope your framework burns in hell; all versions of it.

  • 0
    why do you use it if it's so bad then?
  • 4
    What framework? You complain about hiding things and then don't tell what the framework is called. How are they ever going to get the feedback?
  • 0
    > I hope your framework burns in hell; all versions of it.

    I hope DR stays afloat for long years to come.......

    If it was closed than where would you vent your frustration?

    DIC had recently been closed.

    > I hate frameworks and I hate people (and companies) who disable comments because they hope to hide from questions and also hide themselves from the hate

    You are just like me. I also hate such people; they infuriate me.
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