what is the best swap size for a machine with 32 gb ram?

  • 6
    Probably none. Another option is a little.
  • 1
    0. Let er buck
  • 2
    Depends. For a usual day to day use case it would be a wonder to even need any.
  • 0
    I have a heavily modded Skyrim rig. I have 16GB of ram. They suggested I create a 20GB swap. But they said if I had 32GB for ram I wouldn't need any swap. This is in windows though. Not sure if you need any in Linux.
  • 5
    32gb cause codebase has too many memory leaks
  • 0
    @h3rp1d3v report them to get them fixed.

    Saves it for other people. Also makes the software more stable and faster.
  • 2
    Doesn't hibernation use swap? So i guess you need at least 32G?

    Got quite confused about all this not long ago, too.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz swap is extended RAM, hybernate is snapshot of RAM for restore later on.
  • 2
    @nitwhiz @max19931 but it uses the swap. If you have an encrypted partition you have to also encrypt the swap or you have a password leak.
    i usually encrypt the drive woth luks and put an lvm pv into it.
  • 6

    if you'll be using hibernation: swap+=32GB

    If you're planning on leaking memory / using up all the 32GB of ram -- swap+=estimated_leak_size

    You'll need ${swap} of swap
  • 1
    @nitwhiz yeah, you need either a swap file or a partition. If you want to avoid extending memory with swap but want to use hibernation, you could try setting vm.swappiness to 0.
  • 2
    'bout tree fiddy
  • 0
    @catgirldev you aren't using chrome, ye?
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