
Tailwind classes stopped working (only previously used and customly added classes work)

For some reason my tailwind doesn't work anymore. I was able to use any classes and they were being added to style.css with: "npx tailwindcss -i tailwind.css -o ./css/style.css --watch". But today it just stopped working, I can't apply even the most default class like text-red-400. I can only use classes that I have previously already used AND ones that I have customly added.

  • 1
    From my experience tailwind auto-update has problems with nested folders. Restarting it might help, if not try more specific config paths but I never had success with it
  • 0
    Watch thing integrated into tailwindcss may be broken. I rely on bundler to watch changes, so I would not remotely experience use case you have.
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