
Before i get my degree i have to write my finishing thesis on blockchain topic, has to include something about using math from linear algebra or math analysis that is applied to blockchain, can anyone give me links of similar examples of finishing thesis of this for inspiration?

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    For inspiration or copysation?
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    @joewilliams007 inspiration cause i do want to learn how blockchain works cz i plan to be a web3 developer
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    @b2plane .....

    For the life of me I can't imagine needing to write a dissertation on a topic you know nothing about.

    If you plan on being a web3 dev, I suggest you dive into Blockchain patterns asap.
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    @sariel well, it makes sense to me. Taking an alien topic, studying it top to bottom and back and learning smth new while also doing the deed [thesis] for the school. Win-win.

    More difficult - yes. By magnitudes. But equally more useful.
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    You could go risky and try for extra credit…tear into blockchain as the hyped nonsense of the decade. Won’t need math. Just go on a massive rant and dare them to disagree.

    Post it here when you are done. Two birds, one stone.
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    @netikras I suppose in my old age I don't have the luxury of risking 4-8 years on a whim of self-discovery.

    Learning can be done, even on topics you "know". Even experts can be surprised and make new discoveries because they looked from a new perspective.
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    @sariel prolly has to do smth with why we don't see universities filled with people of "your old age" ;)
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    @netikras I don't think that's quite right.

    Most of them are going to be teaching 🤣
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