
Do you guys prefer Spotify or Google play music? Also which has better support for Linux?

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    omg spotify. I tried google music and it's trash..
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    Deezer. Best Browser Version imho
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    But Spotifys android app is horrible. Never works for me. :(
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    Google music, but there's no standalone player.
  • 7
    Got spotify cheaper with a student discount. Spotify it is for me
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    @olback wat?
    I use their Android app every day, I don't know what you're talking about. What version of Android/ type of phone do you have?
  • 8

    Works great on Windows, Linux (even CLI, has a great API), Android,
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    @iam13islucky Android 5.0, Galaxy s4
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    I had Google music since forever. And had Spotify. There is really no difference nowadays. Not even price (on full price that is).
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    @olback hmm, I didn't have issues with my S4 and Spotify a couple years back, but it's getting a little older.
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    MP3 collection with player of choice
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    Obviously a Sansa Clip with RockBox. There is no other way.
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    old school winamp with dedicated playlists... yeah whip that lhama baby!!!
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    @naughtyelf I tried Winamp some weeks ago after like 8 years and while it was still a great flashback, I was lost in it lol. So switched back to bs player. However, I use GPlay music more than Spotify, cuz I just got used to it since I am using Android. but I think that either of them is a good choice, just depends on you personal preference
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    Good old gramophone :P
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    @Dees yes there is!
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    @mundo03 whereat?
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    Spotify off of my phone, ive had too many issues with office wifi randomly going down. At least with my phone spotify can play songs while offline.

    The wifi randomly dropping was so bad that i bought FLAC versions of Weezer albums and listened to those instead.
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    I use Fedora full time and Spotify is my go, there is no official Spotify desktop for any Linux, but the unofficial for Fedora is great
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    @Dees There is an unofficial one, and it's great actually.
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    I once had a 3 month trial for Play Music and I wrote a browser extension that could download individual tracks or entire albums (zipped) in 320kbps 😅 That was a lot of fun.

    Disclaimer: I never listened to any downloaded file and deleted everything and feel very sorry yada yada yada
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    Seriously though spotify's client works neatly on windows but I still prefer Play Music for obvious reasons 😏
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    One big downside for me is the android app. It caches gigabytes of music and there's no way to stop it...
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    @olback but then why not say thy name.
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    mpdroid streaming from my personal collection (nearly 2tb) :P
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    Spotify works really well everywhere I've used it. It has great music, great playlists.
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    Spotify > everything
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    Google music, because it allows you to upload your own music for streaming.
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    Spotify all the way. Worth the monthly payments for premium too.
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    Just gunna be that guy and say Groove music 😉
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